Friday, December 25, 2015
is the spirit that quickeneth.”—John 6:6
will be perceived that, in unfolding His work, we commence with the
Spirit’s first gracious and Divine act—the breathing of spiritual
life in the soul. This must be regarded as an operation preceding all
others. The Spirit’s work as a Quickener must ever precede His work
as a Sanctifier and a Comforter. If we look for Him in any of His
offices before we have received Him as the Author of Divine life in
the soul, we reverse His own order and cover ourselves with
disappointment. We enter upon the discussion of this subject the more
readily and, we trust, prayerfully, from the conviction that the
modern views of the doctrine of regeneration, as held and preached by
many, are not only widely different from the old standards of
doctrinal truth, but, which is more serious and deeply to be
deplored, are such as the Word of God clearly and distinctly disowns,
and upon which there rests the darkness of its frown. Regeneration,
as taught by many in the present day, differs widely from the
doctrine as preached in the days of the Apostles and Reformers. In
their writings and discourses, the basis was deeply and broadly laid
in the original and total depravity of man. This doctrine is now by
many greatly modified, if not absolutely denied. In the days of
primitive Christianity, the utter helplessness of the creature and
the absolute and indispensable necessity of the Holy Spirit’s
influences in the regeneration of the soul were distinctly and
rigidly enforced. Sentiments the reverse of these, subversive of the
Scripture doctrine of regeneration and destructive of the best
interests of the soul, are now zealously and widely promulgated.
Surely this is a cause of deep humiliation before God. May He restore
to His ministers and people a pure language, and graciously revive
the precious, soul-humbling, Christ-honoring truths once the
safeguard and the glory of our land. We propose…a simple and
Scriptural delineation of the doctrine of regeneration, the office of
the Holy Spirit in its production, and some of the holy effects as
traced in the life of a believer. May there descend on the reader the
anointing of the Holy One, and may the truth empty, sanctify, and
comfort the heart. Regeneration is a work standing alone and distinct
from all the other operations of the Divine Spirit. It is to be
carefully distinguished from conversion, adoption, justification, and
sanctification, and yet must be regarded as forming the basis and the
spring head of them all. For instance, there can be no conversion
without a principle of life in the soul, for conversion is the
exercise of a spiritual power implanted in man. There can be no sense
of adoption apart from a renewed nature, for adoption confers the
privilege only, not the nature, of sons. There can be no comforting
sense of acceptance in the Beloved until the mind has passed from
death unto life, nor can there be the smallest advance in a
conformity of the will and of the affections to the image of God
while there is wanting in the soul the very root of holiness. Faith
is a purifying grace, but faith is only found in the heart created
anew in Christ Jesus. There must necessarily be the spiritual renewal
of the whole man before the soul can pass into an adopted, justified,
and sanctified state. Reader, ponder seriously this solemn truth.
The Work of the Holy Spirit, reprinted by The Banner of Truth Trust.
Winslow (1808--1878): Nonconformist pastor, ordained in 1833 in New
York, but later moved to England, where he became one of the most
valued ministers of the nineteenth century. Preached at the opening
of C. H. Spurgeon’s Metropolitan Tabernacle in 1861; author of more
than forty books, in which he promoted an experimental knowledge of
the precious truths of God. Buried in Abbey Cemetery, Bath, England.
by Chapel Library 2603 West Wright St, Pensacola, Florida 32505 USA
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I enjoy reading your writing. Thank you.
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