Thursday, February 11, 2010

Around the Blogosphere

Welcome to Around the Blogosphere for the week of February 11th, 2010.
We hope you take the time to check out these helpful and interesting posts on the world wide web. - Bro Pat

1.) Spurgeon's Conversion in His Own Words

Have you ever read about C.H. Spurgeon's conversion? Over at the Puritan Fellowship blog they have posted an excerpt from Iain Murray book on Spurgeon's life. Spurgeon says of his conversion, "I saw at once the way of salvation. I know not what else he said—I did not take much notice of it—I was so possessed with that one thought . . . . I had been waiting to do fifty things, but when I heard that word, "Look!" what a charming word it seemed to me. Oh! I looked until I could almost have looked my eyes away." You can read the testimony in it's entirety here.

2.) The Authority of Preaching
Over at the Nine Marks Blog, Thabiti Anyabwile, has written a post on the Authority of Preaching. This is a very important aspect of church life, and the man of God must understand the true authority of preaching . In the post Anyabwile writes, "But sometimes, those who love preaching most may abuse its authority most. That is, we may abuse the authority of preaching by forgetting or failing to make clear where that authority comes from." You can read the post here.

3.) Imperfect Men
The Thoughts Along the Way blog has posted another great quote from Mack Tomlinson. Here is a short excerpt from the quote, "Christians, especially new believers, often idolize their favorite preacher and become candidates for disillusionment when he disappoints them; to idolize men--to look to men inordinately--to follow men too closely, is to prepare oneself for disappointment and even possible spiritual shipwreck." You can read the entire quote here.

4.) Metamorphosis
Anyone who is interested in the history and impact of the shift from Modernism to Post Modernism should read these post from John MacArthur. In the first of three post at the Grace to You Blog, MacArthur writes, "By the early ‘90s American evangelicalism was shamelessly imitating virtually every worldly fad. Church leaders and church-growth strategists openly described the gospel as a commodity to be sold at market, and the predictable result was a frantic attempt to make the gospel into the kind of product most buyers wanted. The conventional wisdom was that sophisticated marketing strategies were far more effective than gospel proclamation for reaching the “un-churched” multitudes. No one, it seemed, wanted to challenge that notion, which was buttressed with countless opinion polls. And who could argue with the obvious “success” of several entertainment-oriented mega churches?"
Your can read Part One here, Part Two Here, Part Three Here.


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