Friday, October 2, 2009

Around the Blogosphere

Welcome again for another post of Around the Blogosphere. I hope you take the time to check these post on the world wide web. Now you can start looking out for this feature every Friday.

Loving the Unlovable
1.) In "Loving Even the Cantankerous", Jim Eliff challenges his readers to love even the unlovable. In this article Eliff writes, " First of all, love is the highest mark of maturity. Therefore, not loving the other members of the church is a sign of our immaturity. There may be problems with the other person that are inexcusable, but no problem makes love impossible." You can read the whole post here.

Lordship Salvation
2.) Over at the Camponthis Blog, Steve Camp has posted a good article on The Lordship of Jesus Christ by an unknown author. In the article the author writes, ""Lordship Salvation emphasizes that a love for Christ springs from our new nature (granted freely by God) which desires to believe the gospel as well as submit to Jesus Christ as Lord over one's life. Both faith and obedience are the result of God's invincible and indelible grace, not the cause of it." You can read the whole article here.

Gay Affirming "Pastor"
3.) Apprising Ministries has a post on "Gay Affirming", Emergent "Pastor" Jay Bakker. Bakker is the son of former "TV stars", Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker. It is amazing to see what depths those who are not saved will go to pervert the gospel of Christ! In this article, Ken Silva writes, "Jay Bakker has said, "Sexism is alive and well in the church today and it really makes me angry that some still use God/theology as an Excuse to discriminate.." You can read the whole post here.

Heretic alert! Beware of Rob Bell
4.) Phil Johnson has written an article on Emergent "Pastor" "Rob Bell, entitled Performance Artist". In the post Johnson quotes Bell as saying, "In fact, listen to Bell's own cockamamie claim about what the term properly describes: "I embrace the term evangelical, if by that we mean a belief that we together can actually work for change in the world, caring for the environment, extending to the poor generosity and kindness, a hopeful outlook. That's a beautiful sort of thing." You can click here to read the post.

Was Jesus Always "Nice"?
5.) Grace to You has posted a sermon by John MacArthur, titled, Was Jesus Always "Nice"? In the article MacArthur writes, "The Great Shepherd Himself was never far from open controversy with the most conspicuously religious inhabitants in all of Israel. Almost every chapter of the Gospels makes some reference to His running battle with the chief hypocrites of His day, and He made no effort whatsoever to be winsome in His encounters with them. He did not invite them to dialogue or engage in a friendly exchange of ideas." This article is from MacArthur newest book, "The Jesus You Can't Ignore. You can read the message here.

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