Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Around the Blogosphere

Around the Blogosphere for the week of September 9, 2009. We hope you will take the time to check out these interesting articles and or sermons from the world wide web.

1.) As many of you know that Brian McLaren is the self proclaimed guru of the emergent church movement. McLaren has become increasingly more out of touch with true biblical doctrine as the minutes roll by. In a post by Ken Silva, "Brian McLaren Imagining a Different God", McLaren reveals his newest approach to doing 'Christianity". Here is a brief except from the article, "Now, we are struggling to imagine a bigger God, a God who makes sense in the evolutionary universe of Darwin, Einstein, LeMaitre, Hubble, Heisenberg, and Kuhn … ". You can read the article here.

2.) Phil Johnson over at Pyromaniacs has a very interesting article on neo-evangelicalism. In the artilce titled, "The Demise of Evangelicalism", Johnson writes, "
The movement was strongly influenced by the early drift of Fuller seminary, led by men who were affiliated with Christianity Today and the National Association of Evangelicals, and driven mainly (I think) by a desire for academic respectability, even at the expense of a clear and consistent testimony". You can read the entire article here.

3.) John MacArthur has posted a good article on Preaching Biblically. In the Artilce that is titled, "Biblically-Anemic Preaching: The Devastating Consequences of a Watered-Down Message", MacArthur states, "Such preaching is in short supply these days. There are plenty of gifted communicators in the modern evangelical movement, but today’s sermons tend to be short, shallow, topical homilies that massage people’s egos and focus on fairly insipid subjects like human relationships, "successful" living, emotional issues, and other practical but worldly—and not definitively biblical—themes. These messages are lightweight and without substance, cheap and synthetic, leaving little more than an ephemeral impression on the minds of the hearers". He gives 15 main points to why marginal superficial preaching is a failure. You can read the post here.

4.) One of my favorite sermons is called, "Ten Shekels and a Shirt", by Paris Reidhead. In this message, Reidhead preaches from Judges Chapter 17, exposing the modern day error of humanism in the Church. He contends that the liberals today are all about making man happy why he is alive, yet the fundamentalist of today are just trying to make man happy after he dies, i.e., in going to heaven. Reidhead came to the conclusion that both views are representative of humanism, and our only hope is to get back to biblical Christianity, i.e., "the end of all being is the glory of God". You can listen to the message here.

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